
Once again.. " Floating " in the air .. Album by Julee Cruise..


"Floating Album"



Julee Cruise..


「Twin Peaks」



A Diamond ring in his hand..

The boy said

" You promised me that you will return one day.."

I didn't remember that promise..

He thought

" I will return one day.."

When I'm ready to accept

his promise..

a permanent "Home" together..

He still keeps the

engage ring with a heart of gold..

A tiny Diamond on the ring..

looks like almost shedding tears..

like the most beautiful

and the saddest


I've ever seen...


he is still smiling

and keeping the

"ring" in "his heart"..

offering in his hand.. taking my hand

for me..

" Now you return finally into my arms.. "

After all those years..

He's been dreaming of..

" in his Dreamland "..

" Fairy Pools " in the eyes of Skye..

" Fairy Pools

in Scotland..

in Isle of Skye..

above the ground..

Fairy Pool

in Scotland

in the island of Skye..

Across the bridge

from the "mainland"

"the boy" said

" You can get there easily.. "

In the "Fairy Gran"

on the fairy ground,

You will find a Fairy pond


Fairies used to live

within local's Hearts..

Water fairies in my dreams,

they are still flying..

on Fairy Gran

in these Fairy Pools..

above the ground

of Isle of Skye..

They are shining

just like

watery eyes

on island of dreamy blue "Skye".. "

in a "Dreamy Feeling"..

" A Paw " of a Cat..

Inspired by Lydia Lunch... Sway


"" A Paw " of  a Cat " 

" I hold a black cat on my knees

The pavement echoes the sound of my tap shoes..
I dance on a pavement..
Until the rain is gone..
Here is the sound of Sunset

towards the night..
The light between the day and night..

My black cat is watching me dancing
alone on the pavement of the lonely street..
Only the echo remains in the shadow
between the waves of day and night..
in twilight..

Black Cat watching Me in silence,
dancing on a pavement..

A paw of a cat
inviting me
into the " darkness.."
towards the night.. "

words by Aska Ochi

A boy looking for a "Fairy" he saw once in his dream..

" Do you remember

the time we used to spend together..

We talked till dawn..

We did

hide and seek in a deep forest..

You didn't know that I was a fairy..

You've been looking for me

in the dark forest

in your long lasting dreams..

You didn't know that

I had "wings" to fly..

You became totally "blind"..

You were lost in there

and you lost the sight completely..

but still searching for me

in the air

in our memories together ..

in a "Dark Forest"..

Still seeing the same dreams we used to watch together.. "

An "Angelic" Voice.. Floating in the air..

Julee Cruise
" Falling "

"Floating in the Air" Voice

David Lynch's
" Twin Peaks"

" Don't let yourself be hurt this time.
Don't let yourself be hurt this time.

Then I saw your face
Then I saw your smile

The sky is still blue
The clouds come and go
Yet something is different
Are we falling in love?

Don't let yourself be hurt this time.
Don't let yourself be hurt this time.

Then your kiss so soft
Then your touch so warm

The stars still shine bright
The mountains still high
Yet something is different
Are we falling in love?

Are we falling in love? "

- A Voice floating in the air

Whispering to your ears


" I used to love you "


" I've been longing for meeting you again.. in a deep forest "


" I feel like I fall in love again.."

kind of feeling..

with the "Angelic Voice" in the air..-


" Nightingale "..

"the Nightingale"...

You hear the Voice of nightingale

at night

from the deep inside of

the dark forest.


you feel "nostalgic"

about "it"


"She" calls you..

"I've been waiting for you to see you again

for such a long time..

in a dark forest.

I've been seeing you,

but you didn't "see" me..

I was longing to see you

'cause I saw you "once"

in a "deep forest"..

In fact..,

I've been longing for your "love",

but I never told you before.. "

You hear the "Voice"

the tender "Voice" in a stream..

a Stream of the Night..


sings like a tender Voice

you used to hear..

" The Night "

sounds like a

" Nightingale.. "

"She" is whispering tenderly

to your Ears..

Once again..





in a

Deep Forest

With the




A "Fairy" singing like a " Nightingale.." in a " Dark Forest "



Julee Cruise

from " Twin Peaks.. "

" The nightingale
It said to me
There is a love
Meant for me
The nightingale
It flew to me
And told me
That it found my love.

He said one day
I'll meet you
Our hearts will fly
With the nightingale.

The nightingale
He told me
One day
You will be with me.

The nightingale
Said he knew
That your love
Would find my love one day

My heart flies
With the nightingale
Through the night
All across the world.

I long to see you
To touch you
To love you
Forever more... "

A Fairy 


like a 


in a Dark Forest..

- that kinda image..-